
The Love Hate of Medicine

“Aiding in increasing healthcare access, delivering quality and compassionate healthcare, and reducing health disparities in underserved communities is the driving force behind my desire in becoming a physician assistant.”

This was the opening sentence of my personal statement for PA school, and this was a viewpoint I was deeply passionate about for years prior. This passion was reflected in my employment history and in community service efforts I participated in. Interestingly, now that I am a provider I see the complexity in accomplishing this in a broken health care system that is profit driven. Increasing access and delivering quality care is meaningless if profit is not generated.

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Done with didactic year and off to clinicals!!!

Hello beautiful people! I’m semi-back from under the rock I’ve been hiding and it feels good to be back in the world lol. This past week I officially finished my didactic year of PA school!!! As I write this blogpost, I have a huge grin across my face. It feels me with such joy to know I am officially done and will now be off to seeing patients. PA school, by far, has been one of the hardest things I have done in my life. The late nights, deprived sleep, imposter syndrome and constant stress, are a few of the challenges that come with this journey. However, despite the challenge I am thankful to be here because I worked so hard to get here. I remember nights praying for this, praying for an interview, an opportunity, an acceptance, and here I am. Thank you God!!!

For those on this journey do not give up. Keep faith and continue putting in the work, you will be rewarded. Okay enough of my soapbox lol.

Anyway I wanted to share a few of my memories. #survivingandthriving #blessed

Stay blessed. Remember, you are loved ❤️

My PA Journey – Why I Chose PA?

Hello beautiful people!! So yesterday I asked one of the doctors I once worked with if he would be willing to write me a letter of recommendation for PA school. Anyone who knows me well knows I absolutely hate having to ask for a LOR. For some reason I always feel like I\’m a burden, but that\’s clearly my own hang-up I’m going to have to learn to get over. All week I had been gearing up to ask. Should I text or email, what should I say, how long should it be…. lol needless questions that caused me much anxiety. Anyway I finally sent the text and was ecstatic when he replied and said yes. Though, he did have a question for me

Why did you go from Physician to PA to teaching to Public health, and back to PA?

I wasn’t expecting this question, but it got me thinking. The short response is I chose PA because I want to play an active role in reducing health disparities with marginalized groups, working primarily in primary care and substance abuse. However, this was not always my purpose and in fact my life has been a journey leading me to where God intends for me to be.

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